16 December 2011


The following is based on a true story.

2011 has been a year, not unlike any other, yet distinct; for good and for bad.

It's been a year of ups and of downs; a lot of things have happened to me, not all of them very pleasant, or happy.

I've fallen in and out of love, I've made and broke friendships, I've lost family members and I've cried. Yet with each tear I've learned: life is a long, hard trek, filled with pain, yet what we live for is the moments of joy and of love that define us. The people we love and the memories we keep, not the people we lose and the future we may not have.

I questioned many a time, what sort of God could allow this pain? Several a time I've felt like death, I've felt pain like I never knew I could, my heart has physically ached.

I don't drink, but several times in 2011 I've wanted to, I wanted to, to use the trite saying, drown my sorrows, to give my liver a kicking, because I just didn't care about life anymore. But then I remembered, for all that I've lost and all of my sorrow, there's infinitely more that I still have, and that can make me smile.

Through all this, I have been comforted by Job 1:21: "the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord." Atheist, theist, agnostic or whatnot, these words, to me, explain life: every day is a gift, and if, from time to time - this year time and time again - we suffer, or we lose those we love, or we cry, we should be comforted by the life we've led and the life we will lead. By the people we love, and loved, and the relationships we formed - ever lasting.

Life hurts. But that's life.


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