7 May 2012

Self indulgent B*****d

I can take the occasional joke from people I don’t know
I can take all the insults you want to throw
You wanna get drunk and text me that shit
Each word of that text was like being hit

You think your God’s gift and all girls should just fall
Well that’s a load of shit; I don’t buy it at all
Once I would’ve just let it fall to my feet
Thinking I need a man to make me complete

 I am not that type of girl, only here to serve you
I am gonna see the world, there’s so much more I can do
I’m not perfect and I will never conform
I wanna get somewhere I never underperform

So take all your crap, I’m closing the door
I don’t need all that shit from you anymore
Get drunk and go for those girls and be one in her millions
But one day look me up I’ll be earning billions